
Genetic engineering: A new path

Genetic engineering is the scientific method by which researchers transform the genome of an organism. Genetic engineering technique mainly requires recombinant DNA. Recombinant DNA is a combination of DNA from one source with the other DNA from the different organism’s sources or different l ocations in a specified genome that would not normally be found in nature. New DNA is inserted in the host genome DNA using molecular cloning methods to generate a new DNA sequence. The transfer of genes within and across species boundaries produces improved or novel organisms. There are many cases of genetic engineering which have led to the development of new organisms. For example, Scientists have successfully created pigs immune to many livestock diseases.        Crispr [Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats] is a new Era in Molecular Biology. The development of efficient and reliable ways to make precise, targeted changes to the genom...

Unconditional Hope

Unconditional Hope Ratneshwaran Maheswaran It was The 4th time It happened In the dark Corner of that room That I decided To start buying Shirts that Were a few sizes Too large To hide What God himself  Cursed me with This poem is about a victim of rape and her thoughts.

The Timeless Elegance

The silent notes, the delay, the sharp chords that occur creates an invisible presence in the room. I shiver as I hear to Barenboim play the piano, music is the most powerful form of precursor to doing any work. Why? Why? Why does it make me feel different? A feeling so powerful, it can stop time. “Pathetique,” the second movement of Sonata no.8, is one of the most influential musical marvel crafted by Beethoven. How several notes played in a particular fashion, with the right tempo and force creates a sound that is not only pleasant to hear but also changes your thought processes.  Since the dawn of time, humankind has created music to not only satisfy his/her pleasure but also to make a mark in time. When we hear music, we not only be filled with complex emotions but also perceive time either fast or slow. For me, classical music makes me feel different and changes the way I perceive time.  People often say I'm addicted to it but for good. Once you fall in love...